Saturday 20 October 2012

Benefits of Sago(Saggubiyyam)

Benefits of Sago(Saggubiyyam)

           At India Mainly south India, sago is used in Kheer(payasam), in gruel or soup or jaava, as upma, vada and Vadiayams(Sun Dried Papads)
          In gruel form, it's a good alternative to carbonated drinks as it gives energy without the added chemicals and artificial sweeteners, and its 
natural cooing effect . 
           Sago is full of starch or carbohydrates and is great for a quick boost of energy, and regularly served in India for breaking fasts during religious festivals. 
           Sago gruel is also great when you're sick because it will gives you quick energy and is easy to digest. 
           Sago and rice have a cooling effect on the system, mainly sago gruel is given if you have excess bile (because of excess body heat).
          Sago is extremely low in fat but also low in protein. It is just starch, other than the carbohydrates, nutrition wise - sago does not contain any minerals or vitamins and has very low amounts of calcium, iron, and fiber. 
          By adding Milk and jaggery will make sabudana kheer/payasam/gruel or vegetables and peanuts for making sabudana khichdi.
         Sago powder can be used as a thickening agent in gravy dishes, and sago or tapioca flour can be used to make flat-breads. 

Saggubiyyam Senagapappu Payasam ~ Sago Chana Dhal Kheer

Saggubiyyam Senagapappu Payasam ~ Sago Chana Dhal Kheer

  Saggubiyyam ( Sago) Payasam Widely used at Southindian payasam. Saggubiyyam(sago) is used in soups(java) and payasam dishes.


Sago: 1 cup
Senagapappu(chana dhal): 1/2cup
Bellam (jaggery grated): 1 cup
Milk: 2cups
Water: 2 cups
Cardamom powder: ½ tsp
Cashews: 6-8
Chopped Badam: 3
A few Raisins
Ghee: 1tsp


  • Wash and Soak 2 hrs sago and chana dhal.

  • Take ghee 1 tsp in a pan and fry dry fry cashews and raisins.

  • Take a heavy bottom vessel, add water with jaggery and let it cook for 5 mins.

  • Add sago and chana dhal and let it in simmer and stirring once in a while for 10mins till sago looks soft.
  • Add milk and let it in simmer for 10 mins and stir once.
  • Add cardamom powder and fried cashews, raisins and chopped badam.

  • Stir it and let it cool. We can serve it hot or cool.

Bread Dahi Vada

Bread Dahi Vada ~ Instant dahi Vada

This is the simple dahi vada, when we need dahi vada within short time. We can made it instantly.

Bread Slices: 6
Curd: 2 cups
Water:1 cup
Oil for deep fry

For Tampering:

Dried red chilli: 2
Mustard seeds: ½ tsp
Chana dhal: ½ tsp
Jeera: ½ tsp
A few Curry leaves
Salt to taste

  • Take bread slices and cut the edges with knife nicely and kept those edges side.

  • After cutting the edges dip into the water and fold into 4 pieces, then press and squeeze the water completely.  

  • After squeeze make them as round balls.

  • Take Oil for frying these balls, at that time take curd and add salt as per taste.
  • Take the sauce pan, take oil for tampering.
  • Add mustard seeds and chana dhal, jeera, red chili and curry leaves.
  • Pour the the oil on the curd and mix well, kept aside.

  • Fry the bolls till golden brown.

  • Dip them into curd mix.

  • After 15 mins keep them into fridge, Serve chilled Curd Dahi vada.

Wednesday 17 October 2012

Best Benefits of Rice bran oil

Benefits of Rice bran oil

I have been using sunflower oil, vegetable oil and olive oil for all my cooking but recently I m using rice bran oil too. I found this oil in the Easyday store and did a little bit of research. I wonder by its nutritional benefits. I wanted to share my research on this oil.

Rice bran oil (also known as rice bran extract) is the oil extracted from the germ and inner husk of rice. It is notable for its high smoke point of 213 °C (415 °F) and its mild flavor, making it suitable for high-temperature cooking methods such as stir frying and deep frying. It is popular as a cooking oil in several Asian countries, including Japan and China.

Higher Smoking Point, Less Greasy and More Flavor
Rice bran oil has the highest smoke point of any vegetable oil, it is better suited to cooking at high heats and is less likely to bind with foods, making food cooked with rice bran oil less greasy than that cooked with sunflower oil. Due to its rich, nutty taste, rice bran oil may be preferred where additional flavor is desired.
Read more:

Vitamin E and Oryzanol
Rice bran oil beats olive oil in its vitamin E power, as it contains both the tocopherol and tocotrienol forms of the vitamin, whereas olive oil contains only the tocopherol form -- and less of that than rice bran oil. Additionally, rice bran oil contains significant amounts of the antioxidant oryzanol, whereas olive oil has none.

It helps to lower LDL or bad cholesterol and does not lower the good cholesterol as sunflower oils do and is known to reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

The rice bran oil component γ-oryzanol was shown in Japan to be effective in relieving hot flashes and other symptoms of female menopause. Researchers found that 90% of the women found some form of relief from hot flashes after taking a rice bran oil supplement for 4–6 weeks. 


Lowers Cholesterol
Rice bran oil contains gamma oryzanol, a group of ferulate esters of triterpene alcohols and phytosterols that have been linked to many health benefits. Gamma oryzanol is effective in reducing plasma cholesterol and reducing cholesterol absorption, decreasing early atherosclerosis. In addition, gamma oryzanol inhibits platelet aggregation that could lead to blood clots. Rice bran oil contains tocotrienol (a form of Vitamin E) which has been found to inhibit the activity of HMG-CoA reductase, an enzyme that synthesizes cholesterol, a major factor in heart disease. In a study conducted at the University of Rochester, Mohammad Minhajuddin, Ph.D., and researchers determined that the tocotrienol in rice bran oil reduced cholesterol in rats up to 42 percent while lowering LDL cholesterol up to 62 percent.

Anti-Cancer Effects
Rice bran oil contains significant levels of both gamma and delta tocotrienols (approximately 500 ppm), forms of Vitamin E, that have been found to be able to accumulate in cancer cells and kill the tumors. In a study conducted at Kyushu University in Japan, researchers looked at the effects of tocotrienols on mouse cancer cells. There was a significant delay in growth in the cancer cells. "Our results suggested that accumulation is critical for the anti-tumor activity of tocotrienols," said Japanese lead researcher, Yuhei Hiura, reporting in "The Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry."

Skin Protector
Originating in the Japanese culture, skin care with rice bran oil is becoming more popular. To this day, one of the highest compliments a Japanese woman can receive is to be called a "nuka bijin" which means "a rice bran beauty." Having smooth healthy skin is due to the oryzanol in the rice bran oil that whitens the skin slightly. As the skin is exposed to sunlight, the rice bran oil reacts as a sunscreen protecting the skin from harmful ultraviolet rays. The oryzanol impedes melanin pigmentation by restraining the erythema activity of tyrosinase as it stops the ultraviolet rays' transmission at the skin's surface. The use of rice bran oil in sunscreen products and hair conditioners is on the increase in the United States.

Antioxidant Packed
Rice bran oil contains three healthy antioxidants useful in protecting the body's cells against the effects of free radicals--tocopherol, tocotrienol and oryzanol. In addition, rice bran oil does not require hydrogenation for stability and has a high percentage of fatty acids (oleic, 46 percent; linoleic, 36 percent; and linolenic, 1 percent). Antioxidant companies have switched their basic oil to rice bran oil. This movement is an indication that industry leaders recognize rice bran oil's lipid oxidative stability. Lipid oxidative stability is important in the prevention of pathologic processes such as cardiovascular diseases, arthritis and inflammatory processes.
Read more:

Disposing of Used Cooking Oil

Disposing of Used Cooking Oil

  • D'NOT POUR THE COOKING OIL DOWN THE DRAIN. Even if the oil is poured slowly into the drain with hot water, this practice will eventually cause problems with the plumbing.
  • Pour the cooled oil into the original containers. Plastic milk jugs also work quite well. 
  • Some cities have a recycling program for cooking oil. Check with your city officials to see if this option is available in your area.
  • The used cooking oil can be taken to a local landfill.
  • Used cooking oil is biodegradable so it can be composted with other food scraps.

Tesing the oil whether it is good for cooking or not

Deterioration of Used Cooking Oil

There are several signs indicating that reused cooking oil has deteriorated. When any of the signs listed below are recognized, the oil should be discarded.
  • Dispose of the oil if it has a rancid smell(Strong Bad flavor coz of exploring to light and air) or it begins to smell like the food that has been cooked in it.
  • The oil will darken more with each use, but the darkened color does not necessarily indicate that the oil is unfit to use. A darkened color with a bad odor indicates that the oil should be discarded.
  • Discard the oil when it begins foaming on the surface.
  • Do not reuse oil if the smoke point has been greatly reduced. If the oil smokes excessively before reaching 375°F, it should not be used.
  • Do not use oil if it does not bubble when food is added to the heated oil.

Cleaning the Cooking Oil

Cleaning the Cooking Oil

  • Take a container with cheesecloth and position the container over a large bowl. The cheesecloth lined container will allow all particles to be filtered from the oil. If cheesecloth is not available, a coffee filter or two or three layers of paper towels can be used instead.
  • If any strongly flavored food was fried in the oil, it can be freshened by frying a piece of citrus fruit or pieces of potato in the oil before it is filtered for reuse.
  • Some oils may be used 3 or 4 times when cleansed and filtered between uses.
  • When cooking oil is filtered and cleansed, some of the original quantity may be lost, so it may be replenished with new oil if a specific quantity is required for the next use.
  • The oil can be stored in a cool, dark area if it will be used within a month. For longer storage, the oil can be stored in the refrigerator for several months. Freezer storage will further extend the shelf life.

General Cooking Tips for Oil

General Cooking Tips for Oil
  • When using butter for frying, add a bit of cooking oil to help prevent the butter from burning.
  • Any utensils and equipment that come into contact with the hot oil must be thoroughly dried first. Moisture on the utensils will cause splattering, which can be dangerous. Food should also be as dry as possible before it enters the hot oil to prevent splattering.
  • The hot oil should not be left unattended and children and pets should NEVER be allowed near the cooking area.
  • After the cooking is completed, the oil should not be transferred to another container or disposed of until it has completely cooled. It is extremely dangerous to pour the hot oil from the cooking vessel.
  • For the best results when deep-frying, choose refined oils with a smoke point higher than 375ºF.
  • Most types of oil used for deep-frying may be used again. The oil can be filtered after it is used to remove any impurities. If a strongly flavored food was fried in the oil, the oil can be freshened by frying a piece of citrus fruit, such as lemon or lime, or pieces of potato, before the oil is filtered for reuse. Some oils may be used 3 or 4 times when cleansed and filtered between uses.
  • Add a pinch of salt to oil in vessal when having deep fries or snacks to avoid them  absorbing more oil.

Simple tips for daily cooking ~ Storing Veggies

My blog consists of some tips which i have learned from my mother and    from frnds , relatives and some i read somewhere felt that may help to others also , so sharing those tips here......

Tips on Cutting & Peeling & Storing:

·         Wash vegetables before peeling or cutting to preserve the water soluble vitamins.
·         Peel vegetables as thinly as possible to preserve the minerals and vitamins.
·         Soak potatoes and eggplant after cutting, to avoid discoloration.
·         If you boil vegetables in water, do not throw the water, keep it to make gravies.
·         To avoid browning of apples after cutting, apply a little lemon juice on the cut surface. The apples will stay and look fresh for a longer time.
·         Keep coriander leaves in a newspaper and put it into cover and keep them in the refrigerator. They will remain fresh for a longer time.
·         Remove the stems of green chilies while storing them .This will help them to stay fresh for long and take into newspaper and put it into cover and keep them in fridge. They will remain fresh for longer time , coz moisture will taken by newspaper.
·         After peeling onions cut in half and soak in water for about 10 minutes before cutting to avoid crying.
·         Soak almonds in a cup of boiling water for 10 minutes .The skin will peel off easily.
·         Chopping vegetables can be done in different ways using a sharp knife and a wooden chopping board. Cutting on a marble slab will blunt your knives.
·         Remove the outer leaves and husks from the corn (kandi bhutta). Holding the corn upright with the flat end firmly in a board, take a sharp knife and run it down between the kernels and the cob to strip them away.
·         Wrap the fruits and vegetables in newspaper before refrigerating to keep them fresh for long.
·         Chopping dry fruits - Freeze them first for one hour & then dip the knife into hot water before cutting them.
·         At the time of frying onions if we add salt it will cook fast.
·         Store your potatoes in a cool dark place and away from your onions. Don’t keep in them in same place and no need to store them into fridge.
·         Store some potatoes at home every time, we can made easy dishes from them when at hurry time or feeling lazy.

Authentic Soft and Simple Soft Idly ( With Veggy Touch )

Simple And Soft Idly

            Idly is healthy and filling snack at andhra pradesh. Since my childhood i love idly with Ginger chutney that to green chilly ginger chutney. If you also love idly, then u would know how it is good for weight loss.
            Idlis help in weight loss when they are steamed. Steamed food doesn't have fat and calories that which can increase your weight.If we cooked in healthy method, then we enjoy its weight loss benefits.



For Making Idly Batter:

Urad dal - 1 cup
Idly rava -2 cup
Salt as per taste

Wash urad dal and rava and soak for atleast 4 to 5 hrs.

         We can take idly rice at the place of idly rava. The quality of the urad dal is very important. I use full urad dal without the black skin. I never stock urad dal , but i will buy only what I need for a month. Don't use old stock or low quality dal or split urad dal. 
             At andhra we naturally use idly rava only, but here banglore we get idly rice, idly rava will be available some limited shopping malls. Both idly rice( boiled idly rice ) and idly rava are same measure as 1:2 ratio , 1 cup urad dal then we have to take 2 cups rava, same if we take 2 cups urad then we need to take 4 cups rava....
          For soft and fluffy idly we don't need to add methi seeds or poha or baking soda. For getting soft idlis soaking is also very important.  Soaking atleast 4 to 5 hrs. We can use mixer instead of wet grinder.


  • Wash and soak the rava and urad dal separate for at least 4 to 5 hrs.
  • Take urad into mixer and grind it till smooth and fluffy.Add little water first and then add some little water while grinding the batter.Grinding and the consistency is main important for soft idlis.
  • Then drain the water from soaked idly rava with hand and mix well with urad batter.
  • Fill up the batter 3/4 or half in a container and close the lid and leave it for fermenting.
  • Add salt as per taste mix well with spoon or hand.
  • Mix the fermented batter well and check the consistency as it is too thin then we'll get flat idlis, or if the batter is thick then we'll get hard idlis.

  • Wash The plates at running water and kept aside.
  • Take the idly stand and grease the slots with oil or ghee. Then pour the batter in each slot and arrange them.

  • Take the Idly pot or Idly cooker or big kadai( i used electric cooker) and fill the water about 2 inch height and bring it to boil.
  • Then place the idly stand and close the lid.

  • Steam for 10 to 12 mins. Check with wet Finger or Fork by pressing them.If the batter sticks then it will extra time to steam, again check and switch off.
  • Take the idly plates from pot and kept outside.

  • Remove the idlis from plates with small spoon.
  • Serve with Karivepaku karam or  Sambar  or Idly karam or Allam chutney.
  • I like idlis witj allam chutney with or without ghee.
  • Serve hot and enjoy the soft idlis.

Idly with Veggy Touch:

         Same as above just add the carrot pieces and we can also add beans. I like carrots so i just add carrots for variety .

  • Cut the small pieces of carrots and Grease idly plates.
  • Take some carrot pieces into idly plate and then pour idly batter.
  • As usual put water into idly pot and place the idly stand and close the lid, steam for 15 mins.

  • Serve fluffy idlies with Allam chutney and ghee.


  1. Add little water first and then add some little water while grinding the batter.
  2. Take the batter into the container  and check whether it is sticky or fluffy. 
  3. It will take upto 5 to 6 hrs, it will depend upon climate conditions- like at winter it will take more time and at summer it will take less time. Usually i will grind the batter at night so i will leave for fermenting till morning.
  4. If u are not going to use full batter then keep the remain into fridge and use second dayalso. At winter time we can use it 3rd day also. But after that we can use it for Dosa.
  5. Dont pour batter too much in slots.
  6. Take the idl stand out side keep for 2 to 3 mins to cool then it will comes with spoon nicely.
  7. For soft and fluffy idly we don't need to add methi seeds or poha or baking soda. Mainly at fermenting and consistency of batter and steaming is importane for fluffy idlis.

Authentic Upma pesarattu

Authentic Upma pesarattu

 Upma Pesarattu is a very popular breakfast item in Andhra Pradesh. Pesarattu can be had without upma, but the combination makes it very special. Another way of serving this dosa is with ginger or mango pickle that tastes really amazing.  And no need to ferment the batter.

 For making Pesarattu batter

1 cup whole moong dal / green gram dal (washed and soaked for 8 hrs)
1/4  cup rice
1 1 " ginger piece
2 green chilies (adjust)
1 tsp. cumin (jeera)
2 medium sized onions (chopped small)
2 green chilies (chopped)
35 ml Melted pure Ghee (for authentic flavor to the dosa)
1 tbsp oil

How I made the batter
1.     Grind the moong dal and rice with ginger, salt, chilies, cumin and water as required. The batter must be smooth and the consistency should be similar to that of dosa batter. If you want the pesarattu to be crispy, do not add water to the batter after you finish grinding.
     ( *wash the moong dal and rice, grind moong dal with skin only, then only we will get authentic look of andhra pesarattu.)  

2.    Heat a pan with oil and fry the onions and chilies on a medium flame till they turn slightly brown. Transfer to a plate and set aside.
3.    Heat a greased dosa tawa till smoky hot, sprinkle little water, allow the water to evaporate, then pour the batter with a laddle and spread it to a thin round layer with the base of the laddle.
4.    Sprinkle with fried onions and green chilies and pour 1 tsp ghee around the edges of the dosa.

5. Fry till the edges become golden brown.
6.    Allow the dosa to fry on a low to medium flame to get crispy dosas. These dosas need not be toasted in the inner side (if you make the dosas thin).

7. Then add upma top of the dosa and fold it half.

8.    Sprinkle water and repeat the procedure for making more dosas.

Serve hot with ginger pickle or coconut chutney or mango pickle.

Simple Upma

This is basic upma. With upma or without pesarattu tastes good. Most of us all hates 
upma,but upma is the most versatile and easiest dish in the world.

For upma

1 cup rava or sooji
2 cup water
1 onion nicely chopped
2 green chilly
curry leaves
1 tsp mustard seeds(aavalu)
1 tsp chana dal(pachhi senaga pappu)
1 tsp cumin seeds( jeelakarra)
Ghee 2 tsp
cashews 6
ground nuts 10
salt per taste

For making upma

1. Take 1tsp ghee, fry the cashews and ground nuts keep aside.
2. Take a sauce pan a fry sooji till nice aroma comes and keep aside.
3. Same pan take 1 tsp ghee, crackle mustard, cumin and channa dal for a few time.
4. Add in onions , chillis and curry leaves for 1 min.
5. Add in 2 cup water and wait for boil, add salt as per taste.
6.Then slowly pour rava and mix well.Cover it at simmer for 5mins.
7. Garnish with ground nuts and cashews.

Serve hot with coconut chutney or sugar or pickle.