Wednesday 17 October 2012

Tesing the oil whether it is good for cooking or not

Deterioration of Used Cooking Oil

There are several signs indicating that reused cooking oil has deteriorated. When any of the signs listed below are recognized, the oil should be discarded.
  • Dispose of the oil if it has a rancid smell(Strong Bad flavor coz of exploring to light and air) or it begins to smell like the food that has been cooked in it.
  • The oil will darken more with each use, but the darkened color does not necessarily indicate that the oil is unfit to use. A darkened color with a bad odor indicates that the oil should be discarded.
  • Discard the oil when it begins foaming on the surface.
  • Do not reuse oil if the smoke point has been greatly reduced. If the oil smokes excessively before reaching 375°F, it should not be used.
  • Do not use oil if it does not bubble when food is added to the heated oil.

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