Wednesday 17 October 2012

Cleaning the Cooking Oil

Cleaning the Cooking Oil

  • Take a container with cheesecloth and position the container over a large bowl. The cheesecloth lined container will allow all particles to be filtered from the oil. If cheesecloth is not available, a coffee filter or two or three layers of paper towels can be used instead.
  • If any strongly flavored food was fried in the oil, it can be freshened by frying a piece of citrus fruit or pieces of potato in the oil before it is filtered for reuse.
  • Some oils may be used 3 or 4 times when cleansed and filtered between uses.
  • When cooking oil is filtered and cleansed, some of the original quantity may be lost, so it may be replenished with new oil if a specific quantity is required for the next use.
  • The oil can be stored in a cool, dark area if it will be used within a month. For longer storage, the oil can be stored in the refrigerator for several months. Freezer storage will further extend the shelf life.

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